| 01:01:59.974 |
| Weisensel discusses family life, recreation, and childhood on a farm in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. He describes his service in the Army Air Corps during World War I; the Great Depression; his work history; and Ku Klux Klan activity in Barron, Wisconsin. He details his career selling insurance in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and also discusses his involvement in the American Legion and the Rotary Club and other fraternal and service organizations. Topics also discussed include: Creating the farm, clearing the land, pumping water, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, 1910s—Picking hickory nuts, dye, soaps, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, 1910s—German and Catholic neighborhoods, World War I, 1914-1918, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Capitol City College of Commerce, for-profit school, coursework, Madison, Wisconsin, 1914-1917—Capitol City College of Commerce, tuition, living expenses, odd jobs, Threshing Machine Company, banking, Madison, Wisconsin, 1914-1917—World War I, 1914-1918, US patriotism, enlistment into the U.S. Army Air Corps, 1917—Experience in the US South, discrimination, civilian and military segregation, 1917—Spending money in the service, hobbies, sending money back home, salaries, 1917—Experience in New York, criticism of drunk people, waiting for discharge, 1918—German community, role of the church, Catholicism, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Leonard’s father’s inventions, farm technology, boot jack, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Hunting, ducks, rabbits, Fall Hall Glen, Wisconsin—Family’s first automobiles, Ford, 1914, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Farm work, taxes, fixing the roads, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Fishing, eating the fish, illegal spearfishing, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—Duck hunting, trapping for skins, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin—World War I, 1914-1918, discharge from the service, Mineola, New York, 1918—Train ride to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, discharge from the service, 1918—Returning to Capitol City College of Commerce, Madison, Wisconsin, E. E. Winters, business professor, influences in business efficiency, 1918—Cigarettes, tobacco use, drinking alcohol—Employment, Savings Bank, bookkeeping, salary, Baron, Wisconsin, 1920—Employment, US Post Office, shoveling snow, Baron, Wisconsin, 1922—Employment, Time Insurance Company, accident and health insurance, premium collector, selling insurance to men only, Baron, Wisconsin, 1923—Time Insurance Company, competition selling insurance, Wisconsin, 1923. |
Interviewee | Weisensel, Leonard |
Interviewer | Fredricks, Howard R. |
Owner | University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
Type of resource
| sound recording |
| sound |
Genre authority
| marcgt |
Publisher name
| University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Oral History Program |
Place of publication
| La Crosse, Wisconsin |
Date published
| 1975-12-01/1975-12-03 |
Date captured
| 2018-05-22 |
| eng |
Subject topic | Weisensel, Leonard V -- Interviews Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Oral history Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Oral history -- Wisconsin -- La Crosse Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Interviews -- Wisconsin -- La Crosse Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | La Crosse (Wis.) -- History Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) -- Wisconsin Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | American Legion Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Families Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Farm life -- Wisconsin Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Depressions -- 1929 Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Recreation -- Wisconsin Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Fraternal organizations -- Wisconsin -- La Crosse Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Insurance agents -- Wisconsin Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Selling -- Insurance -- Wisconsin Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Sun Prairie (Wis.) -- Social life and customs Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | La Crosse (Wis.) -- Social life and customs Authority: LCSH |
Subject topic | Barron (Wis.) -- History Authority: LCSH |
Content | 00:00:00—Creating the farm, clearing the land, pumping water, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, 1910s |
00:02:27—Picking hickory nuts, dye, soaps, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, 1910s |
00:04:14—German and Catholic neighborhoods, World War I, 1914-1918, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:07:29—Capitol City College of Commerce, for-profit school, coursework, Madison, Wisconsin, 1914-1917 |
00:10:15—Capitol City College of Commerce, tuition, living expenses, odd jobs, Threshing Machine Company, banking, Madison, Wisconsin, 1914-1917 |
00:16:18—World War I, 1914-1918, US patriotism, enlistment into the U.S. Army Air Corps, 1917 |
00:23:18—Experience in the US South, discrimination, civilian and military segregation, 1917 |
00:25:16—Spending money in the service, hobbies, sending money back home, salaries, 1917 |
00:27:58—Experience in New York, criticism of drunk people, waiting for discharge, 1918 |
00:31:31—German community, role of the church, Catholicism, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:33:10—Leonard’s father’s inventions, farm technology, boot jack, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:34:30—Hunting, ducks, rabbits, Fall Hall Glen, Wisconsin |
00:37:07—Family’s first automobiles, Ford, 1914, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:39:50—Farm work, taxes, fixing the roads, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:41:04—Fishing, eating the fish, illegal spearfishing, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:43:29—Duck hunting, trapping for skins, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin |
00:44:22—World War I, 1914-1918, discharge from the service, Mineola, New York, 1918 |
00:46:50—Train ride to Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, discharge from the service, 1918 |
00:48:42—Returning to Capitol City College of Commerce, Madison, Wisconsin, E. E. Winters, business professor, influences in business efficiency, 1918 |
00:51:25—Cigarettes, tobacco use, drinking alcohol |
00:52:35—Employment, Savings Bank, bookkeeping, salary, Baron, Wisconsin, 1920 |
00:53:37—Employment, US Post Office, shoveling snow, Baron, Wisconsin, 1922 |
00:55:50—Employment, Time Insurance Company, accident and health insurance, premium collector, selling insurance to men only, Baron, Wisconsin, 1923 |
01:01:10—Time Insurance Company, competition selling insurance, Wisconsin, 1923 |
Source note | Tape 2 of 5. |
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| This material may be protected by copyright law (e.g., Title 17, US Code). For more information about the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Murphy Library's copyright, fair-use, and permissions policies, please see https://digitalcollections.uwlax.edu/. |
| UWL Oral History Program Collection |
| aa172543-df64-469f-9585-15a8bb4e56e4/wlacu000/00000018/00000179 |
Doi | 18-0179 |